
2015亞洲煉油及石化科技大會 (CDTMC 2015)

2015亞洲煉油及石化科技大會 (CDTMC 2015)

2015亞洲煉油及石化科技大會 (CDTMC 2015)會議背景:
為了促進煉油和石化領域的科技創(chuàng)新,加快新技術新裝備在行業(yè)中的應用,促進中國石油和化學工業(yè)的對外交流和國際合作,中國石油和化學工業(yè)聯合會與歐洲石化咨詢公司將于2015年6月17-18日在北京共同舉辦2015(第四屆)亞洲煉油和石化科技大會。 In order to promote the technological innovation of petroleum refining and petrifaction and accelerate the application of new technology and equipment in the industry, China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation and Euro Petroleum Consultants will jointly hold the 2015 China Downstream Technology & Markets Conference which is going to be held on June 17th - 18th in Beijing so as to facilitate the external exchange of China’s petroleum and chemical industry and international collaboration. 亞洲煉油和石化科技大會是中國石油和化工行業(yè)煉油和石化科技領域內容最豐富、規(guī)模最大、影響最深遠的年度盛會。2011、2013、2014年度的會議均有來自中、美、歐、中東及亞洲的四百余位企業(yè)技術層面的嘉賓出席,數十家行業(yè)內外主流媒體報道。亞洲煉油和石化科技大會涵蓋該行業(yè)在全球范圍內的創(chuàng)新技術和產品,是獲取煉油、石化和煤化工領域的科技創(chuàng)新前沿資訊、最新技術和產品的平臺。從2011年第一次舉辦以來,已成為行業(yè)的品牌會議。 China Downstream Technology & Markets Conference is the largest annual conference in the petroleum refining and petrifaction field which has the most profound influence within China. The past conferences in 2011, 2013 and 2014 attracted more than 400 representatives from America, Europe, Middle East and China to participate each year and more than 10 mainstream media from inside and outside the industry. 2015年度會議將針對油品質量升級、煉油煉化的十三五規(guī)劃、提升煉化運營效益等領域進行探討。 The 2015 China Downstream Technology & Markets Conference will mainly make discussions about the upgrade of oil quality, the 13th five-year plan of petroleum refining and petrifaction and promoting efficiency of petroleum refining and petrifaction operation.
2015亞洲煉油及石化科技大會 (CDTMC 2015)組織單位:
客戶經理:趙先生 電話:86-10-62730706 分機 8056 手機:86-13120359006 傳真:86-10 - 62730705 郵箱:Martyn.zhao@bmc-china.cn 地址:北京市海淀區(qū)遠大路39號1號樓青清商廈409室
2015亞洲煉油及石化科技大會 (CDTMC 2015)聯系方式:
聯系人:趙經理 先生
